Coupons from Nivea
Coupons/In Store deals
May 12 9:32 am
Thanks to angelgirleyes80’s post on Nivea coupons earlier, I emailed them a compliment on their great product and they enclosed the coupons in return! 🙂
Tylenol Precise Patch/Cream
Sold out at my local Rite Aid, went to CVS and found it on clearance for $4.14 each. Used the 2 print coupons and 2 coupons from Sunday paper. Thanks toph and Chris =)
- Forbes Magazine+ ForbesLife
- Popular Science
- Clean & Clear Morning Burst Bodywash x 2
- Duck Tape Sheet Sample
- Suave Product Coupon
- Aveda Birthday Program Coupon
- Silicone Anti-dust Protective Cap Plug
- Purina Pet Gear Training Pad
- ~H2O+ Sea Pure Skincare Sample
coupon overload
Coupons/In Store deals
May 9 9:17 pm
- (2) $2 Tidy Cats
- (2) dial, (2) tone, (1) purex, (1) dry idea coupons
- BOGO & $1 off coke
- (3) $1 Tylenol precise
- (2) $1.50 & (2) BOGO black & mild
- (4) $1 Pilgrims fresh chicken & (2) $1 TGI Fridays entree
- Trade