free redvines candy

Nov 25 1:09 pm

Like a few other fst ppl i made a comment and asked where the candy was available at and i got an email giving me a list of places to buy it so i assumed that was it….then wa la here comes this box from ups this morning! Wow! They were extremely generous i’d say! lol

Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Furture kit

This is what UPS brought earlier. Nice stuff that came along with the scrub top 🙂


Free scrub top for nurses

Original Post: -To be a part of this program, please send an email with your name, job title (RN, LPN, etc), mailing address, scrub top size to We will send you a package that includes presentation materials, a scrub top to wear during your presentations, and many other things! This program is only open to nurses.
My mom is a nurse so I sent away for this for her. I got her an XL top (kind of big) but cute color. A couple books and dvd/vhs on recruiting nurses. Also a pin, pen, and magnet on nursing, a tylenol sample, toothbrush, face wash sample, box of bandaids and a box of splenda. All Johnson and Johnson made samples. Very cool.

Religious Tolerance lapel pin and info

Other, Pins
Oct 31 5:52 pm


black JYGY t-shirt, 3 buttons, and 3 stickers

Clothing, Pins, Stickers
Oct 22 7:34 pm

All of this stuff is soooo cute. The shirt is size 2 XL, NICE! Hmmm, the paper says this was a “giveaway contest” so maybe that’s why other stuff was thrown in with the shirt.


Look for the Good button

Sep 18 2:58 pm

It says on the letter that they ran out of post-it note pads, so they sent the button instead. Ehhh…


Pins to get women to vote

Sep 6 7:29 pm

Another set of Heinz ketchup and pickle pins

Aug 22 5:56 am

Heinz ketchup and pickle pins

Aug 14 9:18 am

These are cute 🙂


Heinz Pins

Aug 9 9:17 pm
I did this right around the time I joined here, as I was going through old posts, I gave up on them coming. My Gma collects pins, so I will give them to her.