American Apparel & Victorinox Purchases From Rue La La $20 Credit

by spiralheartmoongirl - Samples
Nov 10 9:55 pm

orignal post:
So here is my order I received today from Rue la La! I requested an American Apparel jersey dress and a Victorinox Men’s tee shirt. I paid a little over a dollar to make up for the difference. I think that’s fair, because I was stunned to see the price tag for the shirt:

Team Coco shirt

by UsernameUnavailable - Samples
Nov 10 9:55 pm

$200 Lipton Sparkle Winner!

by r0b0tj0n3z - Samples
Nov 10 9:54 pm

Still on a winning high since winning my 2 Ipod Nano’s last month, but today I recieved a $200 Visa Gift Card courtesy of Lipton!

Contest Link
Note: It says the $200 “may be used towards the purchase of a necklace customized with winner’s name.”
But I have other items in mind! :naughty: