Today I received:

1 coupon -$5 off of Any Kellogg’s product -YES! (this is from complimenting them)

1 coupon -$3 off any Ensure 6 pack

1 coupon for a FREE Ensure single or use the $1.85 off on a six pack

3 fragrance cards which had fragrances on both sides of them from Coty

1 box that had 2 Snuggle Fabric Softener Sheets in it from QualityHealth (I agree with everyone who said this co. sends things slowly, it took over 4 mths for me to get this)

1 Redwook Creek poster (the girl in the red boat… it’s cute.. she reminds me of Pocahontas LOL :kekeke: )

Junk mail 😡

MEC (1st What I Got Post) 🙂