Green Giant Fresh Broccoli, $0.99
Use the $1/1 Target print coupon to make it Free

Archer Farms Ham Steaks, $2
Use the $2/1 Target print coupon to make it Free

Campbell’s Chunky Soup  15 oz. bowls or 18-19 oz cans, $1.50
Use the $1.50/3 print coupon to make them $1 each

Kleenex Facial Tissue: 112 – 200 ct. flat or 80-90 ct. upright, $1.29
Use the $0.50/3 Kleenex from the 12-6-09 smartsource inserts to make them $1.12 each

Morning Star Farm Products, $3.34
Use the $2/2 Target print coupon
and the $1/1 print coupon -IE, to make them $1.34 each

Silk Soy Milk 64-oz, $2.50
Use the $0.75/1 Silk Soy Milk print coupon to make it $1.75