www.quericavida.com/Cuenta/Registro.aspx register and click the  Ahorros tab to get the coupons
$1 off two boxes of General Mills Cereals
Boo Berry,  Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Coco Puffs, Cookie Crips, Dora The Explorer, Fiber One, Golden Grahams, Kix, Lucky Charms, Reese’s Puffs,  Trix, Count Chocula or Frankenberry
$.50 off one box of Original Cheerios Cereal
 $1.10 off any flavor/variety Totinos Pizza Stuffers
 $1 off two various General Mills Cereals (listed)
 $.40 off 6 Yoplait Yogurt (Light, Thick and Creamy Or Whips)
 $.75 off three Hambuger Helper, Tuna Helper or Chicken Helper
 $.75 off two Yoplait kids products
 $1 off any one flavor Yoplait Frozen Smoothie
 $1 off any four cans of any flavor Progresso Soups
 $.75 off any one Fiber One Cereal