Teremana Home is Where The Mana is 2024 Sweepstakes
Story or video required
Grand Prize (1): The “Grand Prize” is a Holiday Vacation Package awarded as $17,000
in cash via PayPal. Only one (1) Grand Prize will be awarded in this Sweepstakes. The
ARV of the Grand Prize is $17,000.
B. First Prizes (8 total, 1 per First Prize Entry Period): Each “First Prize” is $500 made
payable to the First Prize winner via Venmo. No more than eight (8) total First Prizes will
be awarded in the Sweepstakes – one (1) per First Prize Entry Period. The ARV of each
First Prize is $500.
C. Second Prizes (186 total, 3 per Second Prize Entry Period): Each “Second Prize” is
$100 made payable to the Second Prize winner via Venmo. No more than one hundred
eighty-six (186) Second Prizes will be awarded in the Sweepstakes – three (3) per Second
Prize Entry Period. The ARV of each Second Prize is $100.
D. Total ARV: The total ARV of all available prizes in the Sweepstakes is $39,600.