One (1) Grand Prize. The grand prize winner will receive a trip for two (2) to see Walker Hayes Same Drunk Tour (one (1) show). The prize package includes the following:
Round-trip domestic, coach air transportation for one (1) Grand Prize Winner and one (1) eligible guest from the major commercial airport nearest winner’s residence (as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion) within the 50 U.S./D.C. to destination airport from list of tour dates listed below;
two (2) nights of hotel accommodations in one (1) double occupancy, standard hotel room (location determined by Sponsor/Prize Provider in its sole discretion);
two (2) tickets to see Walker Hayes Same DrunkTour;
Meet & Greet for one (1) eligible winner and one (1) guest.
Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): $3,000.00

Jun 21 4:09 pm