to enter for free, you may upload the following photo found by clicking here.
PRIZE AND APPROXIMATE RETAIL VALUE (“ARV”): ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: A trip for two (2) (winner and one (1) guest) to a city in the 48 Contiguous United States including the
District of Columbia (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) of winner’s choice. Trip package consists of
roundtrip coach class air transportation for two (2) from major airport nearest winner’s home
(determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion) to selected city; four (4) days and three (3) nights’
accommodations at a hotel determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (one (1) room); ground
transportation between hotel and destination airport, gift bag (products in gift bag are determined
by Sponsor in its sole discretion), and $1,362.00 in spending money for winner only. ARV: $5,902.00