Grand Prize #1 (7): Seven (7) grand prize #1 prizes will be awarded. Each grand prize #1 consists of a trip for two (2) people (winner and one guest age 21 or older) to Washington, DC to attend the 2023 MLS All-Star game and includes: round trip coach airfare for two (2) people to Washington, DC (Tuesday, 7/18/2023 – Thursday, 7/20/2023), hotel accommodations for two (2) people—one room, double occupancy—for two (2) nights (7/18/2023 – 7/20/2023), and two (2) tickets to the MLS All-Star Game scheduled to be played on Wednesday, 7/19/2023 at Audi Field in Washington, DC.
Approximate retail value (“ARV”) of each grand prize #1 prize award: $2,250. Total ARV of all available Grand Prize #1 prize awards: $15,750.
Grand Prize #2 (2): Two (2) grand prize #2 prizes will be awarded. Each grand prize #2 consists the opportunity to attend the 2023 MLS All-Star game (for winner and one guest age 21+) and includes: hotel accommodations for two (2) people—one room, double occupancy—for two (2) nights (7/18/2023 – 7/20/2023), and two (2) tickets to the MLS All-Star Game scheduled to be played on Wednesday, 7/19/2023 at Audi Field in Washington, DC.
Approximate retail value (“ARV”) of each grand prize #2 prize award: $750. Total ARV of all available Grand Prize #2 prize awards: $1,500.