Pop Chips

by Carinaj - Contest Wins
Jan 18 5:24 pm

my month supply that i won
some are,normal,bbq,salt and pepper ,Parmesan cheese


by Carinaj - gifts
Jan 18 5:22 pm

Viva Diva

by Carinaj - gifts
Jan 18 5:22 pm


by Carinaj - Books
Jan 18 5:18 pm

it was from one of the book offers

quick and simple

by Carinaj - Contest Wins
Jan 18 5:14 pm


thank you

by Carinaj - Samples
Jan 18 5:13 pm

said a gift for saying thank you

kipling order

by Carinaj - Samples
Jan 18 5:08 pm

my kipling order that took almost 2 months

self product test or win?!?!

by Carinaj - Samples
Jan 18 2:11 pm

no idea if that was a win or if that was the thing to test,it came in an Self envelop!

some magazines

by Carinaj - Magazines
Jan 18 2:10 pm

that were in my mailbox

Vocalpoint Coupons

by firepuppy13 - Coupons/In Store deals
Jan 17 10:49 pm


Just some tuna coupons from Vocalpoint.