Free bread coupon

Can’t find original post

MSC free product coupons thank to $39 expirment post in forum

I contacted Sara Lee and asked for a coupon for bread, st.Ives for a coupon for a free product to try, dannon yogurt for a coupon to try their yogurt, coupon for a free product made by Holsom which includes Hostess!!

Digital TV Box converter coupons, Leg Calm


Today I got the Digital TV Box converter coupons.  (Look kind of like credit cards.  I painted over some of the numbers)

I also got Nighttime Leg calm Spray (Their list of products that came with it seem very interesting.)

replacement coupons for expired snuggle coupon

original post:

the snuggle sample previously posted came with an expired coupon. they sent me $9 in coupons for the hassle.

Free sample of Sunsilk

Apparently 2 came in today…I now love Sunsilk. 

Ordered: January 31st, 2008
Arrived: March 1st, 2008

Free aveeno positively ageless sample and coupon

The link doesn’t work anymore. 

Ordered: February 18th, 2008
Arrived: March 1st, 2008

coupon for package of free Yoplait kids yogurt

Coupons/In Store deals
Feb 29 4:23 pm

2 Free digital tv converter box coupons

Coupons/In Store deals
Feb 29 7:06 am

Ordered: January 1st, 2009
Arrived: February 28th, 2009

Free snuggle exhilarations sample-EXPIRED

This one is kinda old (Came with a coupon that expired in 2007) but it arrived today (Feburary 28th)

This is the only post I see about it on the site though….

Free sample of Sunsilk

Ordered: January 31st, 2008
Arrived: February 28th,2008