coupons for complimenting companies

idea from forum

hungry man sent a free product coupon and cents off and fresh express sent just cents off! but every bit helps!

American spirit gift certificate

original post:

this is the second time i got these, but this one was only for $5 not $20 also they sent me a list of who sells thier cigs in my area!! this helps a lot!

Free $5 Natural American Spirit cigarettes GC

Original post:

This was for $20 (2 $10 gc’s), I received that a few months ago then today I got a $5 card, weird.

Jose ole coupon

got a $1 off coupon for requesting, thanks to idea from this site’s forum

coupons from Kashi

idea came from this sites forum. complimented them and got 3 50 cent off coupons!

colgate-palmolive coupons

i must have complained about something because these came with an apology letter? 12 varying cents off coupons for thier products!

yet another free product coupon from Sara lee

no original post

coupons from Delmonte

3 50 cent off coupons for asking, idea from forum

product coupons from Heinze

by requesting it i got a free Smart ones product coupon and 2 75 cent off coupons for same product line. idea from forum

coupons from Idahoan potatoes

2 free product coupons for complimenting them. got the idea from the forum