text DEALS to short code 727272 on your phone
60 prizes will be awarded based on the following schedule (Approximate Retail Values (“ARV”) listed are the total value of each day’s prizes): [Day 1: One winner of PS4 + year of movies/games (52 movie codes and 52 game codes)* (Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) $634); Day 2: One winner entertainment system of a game system, speakers & TV (ARV $3,000); Day 3: One $500 Gift Card (ARV $500); Day 4: Ten $5 Redbox eGift cards (ARV $50); Day 5: One winner of XBOX One & two games (to be selected by Sponsor) (ARV $422): Day 6: One winner of PS4 + year of games (52 game codes)* (ARV $552); Day 7: One winner of Blu-ray player + year of movies (52 movie codes)* (ARV $401); Day 8: One winner of year of free movies (52 movie codes)* (ARV $80); Day 9: One winner of entertainment system of a game system, speakers & TV (ARV $3000); Day 10: One winner of year of free movies/games (52 movie codes and 52 game codes)* (ARV $234); Day 11: Five winners of $100 digital ecards to Popcorn Factory (ARV $500); Day 12: One $500 Gift Card (ARV $500); Day 13: One winner of year of free games* (ARV: $156); Day 14: Ten winners of $5 Redbox eGift cards (ARV $50); Day 15: One winner of XBOX One (ARV $300); Day 16: One winner of entertainment system of a game system, speakers & TV (ARV $3,000); Day 17: One winner of PS4 + year of movies/games (52 movie codes and 52 game codes)* (ARV $634); Day 18: One winner of year of free movies/games (52 movie codes and 52 game codes)* (ARV $234); Day 19: Ten winners of $5 Redbox eGift card (ARV $50); Day 20: One winner of $500 gift card (ARV $500); Day 21: One winner of PS4 (ARV $400); Day 22: One winner of year of free movies/games (52 movie codes and 52 game codes)* (ARV $234); Day 23: One winner of entertainment system of a game system, speakers & TV (ARV $3,000); Day 24: Five winners of $100 digital ecards to Popcorn Factory (ARV $500); Day 25: One winner of Blu-ray player + year of movies (52 movie codes)* (ARV $403).

Total approximate retail value of all prizes: $19,332

Dec 1 2:56 pm