There will be ten thousand and one (10,001) random, computer-generated winning times during the Game. If you are the first player to play the Game at or after one of the randomly-generated times, you will be a potential instant winner of the prize indicated.

One (1) Grand Prize: A trip for four (4) (winner and one (1) guest and up to two (2) legal guardians if winner and/or guest are under eighteen (18)) to Los Angeles, CA for a VIP weekend of Uploaded activities, including meeting Rob Drydek. Trip package includes round trip, coach-class air transportation for up to four (4) from a major airport near winner’s home (determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion) to Los Angeles, CA; three (3) nights’ accommodations at a hotel determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (single room, quad occupancy); ground transportation to and from airport and hotel and all planned VIP activities; $1,600 spending cash for meals; $2,500 spending money (for winner only); and a VIP Rob Dyrdek experience for up to four (4). The trip will take place in 2015 and winner must travel on the dates determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion or prize will be forfeited. ARV: $11,160.

Ten thousand (10,000) First Prizes: A $10 Gift Card digital claim code. Terms and conditions of gift cards apply. ARV: $10.

Total value of all prizes is $111,610.

May 1 6:25 pm