Hidden Valley Signature Pizza Sweepstakes
During the Promotion Period, take the following actions to receive an entry:
Visit the HVR Signature Pizza Website and download 1 of 3 available Sweepstakes images (“Image”);
Post 1 Image on Instagram and include @PizzaHut, @HiddenValley and, #HVRSignaturePizza #HVRSweepstakes in the original caption of your post.
Your post need not include any other reference, positive or negative, to Sponsor’s products or services, and including such a reference will not improve your chance of winning. However, the content in your caption must not violate any of the Content Restrictions listed below;
Your account settings must be public when you post and remain public until the prizes are awarded (as described below); and
For your entry to remain eligible, you must not change your Instagram handle once you post to enter this Sweepstakes and until the prizes are awarded (as described below).
Entry Limit: You may receive up to 3 entries during the Promotion Period by posting each of the 3 available Images one time.
1 Grand Prize: A one-of-a -kind collectable Pizza Hut® pizza, signed by Eli Manning with the new Hidden Valley Ranch easy squeeze bottle and encased in resin (valued at approximately $2,500); 12, 16oz bottles of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing; a $520 digital Pizza Hut gift card and check in the amount of $1,300 that may be used by winner to assist with tax liabilities. Note: the collectible pizza is not edible and should not be removed from the resin encasement. ARV of Grand Prize package: $4,372.
10 First Prizes: Each winner will receive 12, 16oz bottles of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing and a $520 digital Pizza Hut gift card. ARV of each First Prize package: $572.44.