Twenty-one (21) twenty thousand dollar ($20,000) prizes (each consisting of twenty [20] one thousand dollar [$1,000] American Express Gift Cards) (1/Day)

Eighty-four (84) five thousand dollar ($5,000) prizes (each consisting of five [5] one thousand dollar [$1,000] American Express Gift Cards) (4/Day)

Two thousand one hundred (2,100) prizes, each a five hundred dollar ($500) American Express Gift Card) (100/Day)

Two thousand one hundred (2,100) prizes, each a twenty dollar ($20) McDonald’s Arch Card (100/Day).

Total Prizes: 4,305 (205/Day); Total Prize Value: $1,932,000 ($92,000/Day).

One (1) prize per Entry and one (1) $5,000 and one (1) $20,000 prize per household address.

Dec 2 4:21 am